Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

Lately, life has been reverting back to simple things. My days play out in a pattern dictated by my body, what it can tolerate and what functions it needs to perform. I have learned to adjust, but living with MS is a constant adjustment and forever a lesson in patience.Nothing stays the same for very long anymore.

Do you enjoy reading books that are written, in part, through diary entries, or letters? If so, you’ll enjoy my upcoming novel, In a Grove of Maples. One of my main characters, Beryl Massart, keeps a diary. Each chapter opens with a diary entry of hers dated from the future, so readers gets a taste for what is ahead in the story and keeps them turning the pages.

Do you ever wonder where authors come up with book titles or the name of series? Let me tell you how the series title, Sheltering Trees, came to me.

A Spring Poem: From the chirp of a robin to the bright green buds on the trees, spring emerges, at first hesitant, creeping forward, like a careful lover…

How does it begin, the act of writing? With discipline and inspiration. Sometimes I have both of those before I open my iPad and write a blog post, a chapter in a novel, a poem etc . . . Other times, it’s one or the other.

I am pleased to be a blog hostess for A Painter in Penang –Penang Series, Book 3, by Clare Flynn–through The Coffee Pot Book Club. Here are some details about the book and the author, and following will be my review.

I’m thrilled to announce that my final book in the series, By the Light of the Moon, releases today! It was not a book I expected to write, but when I finished Silver Moon, Maang-ikwe’s (Loon Woman) story begged to be told. And so I listened. Here’s what readers are saying about the book…

Family and forgiveness go together. Or not. When writing my second novel, Blue Moon, I dwelled on what it would be like to forgive a family member for stealing.