Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

Life has been very challenging of late—lots of tears, pain, emotions, fears, prayers, rantings, and little or no answers. Because of dealing with all this, I have had no inspiration and energy for writing or author business, much less promoting my upcoming book, The Regal Pink. Today, in the wee hours of the morning, I …

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For sometime, I’ve been thinking, I want to write a poem again, needed to write one. Poetry has always helped me truly express what is inside, more than anything else. So today I tapped this out on my iPad, and I can say I feel much relief over having gotten it out. Maybe you can …

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Autumn approaches and with it my favorite time of year. I loved going for a walk this time of year and looking at all the changing things along the path: the green ivy that had turned red, the fuzzy heads of milkweed, the distant hills dotted with color. The simple movement and motion of my …

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Here’s my thankful thoughts for this Thanksgiving, expressed in poem form… The Basics of Thanksgiving

Today, I started the day crying—tired of the same old pain. After wiping my eyes, I felt a poem bursting to come out. I have found that writing poems are healing and a constructive way to express feelings and unburden my soul. Here’s what came out.

A Spring Poem: From the chirp of a robin to the bright green buds on the trees, spring emerges, at first hesitant, creeping forward, like a careful lover…

It’s been a while since I sat down and let a poem come to me, so last night I focused on what gaining contentment looks like to me. Here is the product of my effort…

With a new year in mind, I recently wrote a poem in simile form about hope, how I see it and what it means to me.

It has been awhile since I let my mind wander in the realm of verse. Last night I let my thoughts take me where they would, and although this is probably more prose than free verse poetry, it’s a poetic picture of where I write most of my work. I hope you joy it.

Happy Memorial Day! You may have bought a crepe paper poppy or seen them during this time of the year. I hadn’t really understood why veterans used the poppy as a symbol of remembrance until I started to research WWI for my upcoming book, Silver Moon.