Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

Sometimes writing presents more of a challenge than at other times. I’ve not found writer’s block an issue, but at times a project tires me.

For those of you who follow my indie writing and publishing journey, I would like to introduce you to my editor, Sara Litchfield.

Part of the fun about being an author is meeting other authors. I recently read Desire of My Heart, by Anne Perrault. I connected with Anne and Facebook and enjoy her friendly and encouraging spirit. Following is my review, where to get her books, and an author interview.

For those of you who don’t know me well, I thought I would introduce myself and tell you a bit about me.

I’m thrilled to announce that my final book in the series, By the Light of the Moon, releases today! It was not a book I expected to write, but when I finished Silver Moon, Maang-ikwe’s (Loon Woman) story begged to be told. And so I listened. Here’s what readers are saying about the book…

I approach the end of an enormous effort, in November 23rd the last book in my series, By the Light of the Moon, will be released.

What is success? It’s a question that I’ve struggled with off and on. My creativity has circled through my life in a number of ways. Several times I pursued avenues of enterprise with both roads fizzling out at some point. I let that bother me. It hinted at failure to me, but now I recognize outside forces played a primary role in disrupting my plans.

If you’re aspiring to publish a book, you’ll be glad to know that the path ahead is not unwalked. We map out some of the most common publishing mistakes and how you can evade them on your path to authorhood.

I am happy to introduce fellow Wisconsinite and author, Brenda Marie Webb. Last year Brenda and I connected on Instagram, and I bought and read her book, A Thousand Mothers. Brenda is a self-proclaimed history nerd and a member of the Historical Novel Society. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband, 2 crazy rescue dogs, and a lot of cats.

I am excited to share the prologue of my upcoming historical fiction book, Silver Moon with you! At the core Silver Moon is a tale of courage and hope during the darkest of times. I set Silver Moon during WWI from three male characters’ perspectives and their counterparts at home.