Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

The cast of characters for my upcoming historical mystery novel, By Broken Birch Bay, revolves around two sisters, Honey and Petra. Besides writing in the sisters’ perspectives, I also write in the perpetrator’s perspective. The person who commits the crime remained faceless and anonymous for me until the very end. Look over the images below …

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It’s cover reveal day for my last novel in my sheltering trees series, By Broken Birch Bay. I have always wanted to write a mystery and at the heart that’s what this novel is, but it didn’t quite come out like a regular mystery would have. Even I was kept in the dark as to …

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I actually had time to read a few books this month so far. The first was a historical fiction novel by an Australian author I am friends with on Instagram, the second a juvenile/young adult fiction book that was written by a sweet friend of mine from Estonia. I hadn’t realized when I begin this …

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Today, as a part of the Coffee Pot Book Club, I am hosting a stop on the book tour for Raleigh–Tudor Adventurer, by Tony Riches.

The cover reveal and pre-order link is coming on June 1st for my next full-length novel and the third in the Sheltering Trees series: On Bur Oak Ridge. This is a sneak-peek. I also thought I’d offer an excerpt from the book today. 

My latest full-length novel, Under the Weeping Willow, has been on a blog tour all week with the Coffee Pot Book Club. Each day featured about three or four blog stops, each sharing info about the book, me, and some excerpts.

In my upcoming historical novella, Violets Vow, I use the language of flowers as a main part of the plot.

During this joyous Christmas season, I wanted to make the effort to let you know how blessed I am that you are interested in my work and have chosen to follow me. Thank you! I’m praying all the best for you and yours and wishing you a very Merry Christmas. 

It’s release day for my latest historical novel (my sixth book-baby!), set in my little corner of Wisconsin.

Today, I thought I’d give you a larger taste of Under the Weeping Willow. This is chapter five, where Enid, along with her son’s help, works on packing up her mother’s belongings in the family home where Enid grew up. It’s a bittersweet task and one laden with a good helping of guilt…