Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

 “Drink and be satisfied.” Those were the words I heard during my prayer time this morning. Often throughout my life I have sought an image from the Lord that I can hold onto. That I can believe in and draw strength from. That is real. More real than my present circumstances and disability from MS.  …

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 I have a confession to make. I have not been reading or writing much, lately. Not like I used to, every night for an hour or two. I have other things on my mind,

Lately, life has been reverting back to simple things. My days play out in a pattern dictated by my body, what it can tolerate and what functions it needs to perform. I have learned to adjust, but living with MS is a constant adjustment and forever a lesson in patience.Nothing stays the same for very long anymore.

What will I do if I can’t create anymore? What will happen when I write “The End” in a novel for the last time? I don’t know. It sounds like death to me. Death to everything familiar, everything I enjoy or have enjoyed doing.

I’ve been talking about my books a lot, here on the blog, but I thought I’d give you a more personal taste of my daily routine as an author and someone living with a chronic disease—MS.

We all need a break, from time to time, and I have been badly in need of one. I took last week off and gave myself a staycation/writing hiatus. It was perfect, all except for last Monday.

The morning light slants in an east window near my chair, highlighting a ruby-colored candy dish, making it gleam a bright pink. How different things appear in bright light. It makes me wonder how I’d look under such circumstances.

Learning to let go dominates a part of my life, but we all must choose to release things and sometimes people, for various reasons.

When I first started to have issues with disability and a body that wouldn’t cooperate with my demands and reflexes, I let it define me, crush me in a way that nothing else ever had. Until I realized that I was more than what I couldn’t do…