Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

I am so happy to tell you that my last and final book, By Broken Birch Bay, in the Sheltering Trees series has released today! I set out to write a mystery with this book, but it’s not your typical mystery, with a murder at the beginning and a person who investigates the crime to …

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I dug through my upcoming release, By Broken Birch Bay, and thought you might enjoy reading the pre-Thanksgiving scene. It comes about mid-way through the story. Many years ago, I used to work in a local, hometown café as a short-order cook. It was actually my first real job. I have some good memories from …

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Often in the quotes I share from my books, I tend to choose dramatic ones that have conflict rather than romantic ones. But today I thought I’d give you just a little flavor of Petra’s budding romance with Don, a local fisherman and a frequent customer at the café Petra works at. These quotes come …

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I enjoy writing family drama, and I’m not quite sure why. Maybe it’s the interchange of dialogue that isn’t romantically based. Romance bits are actually my least favorite to write because often they are so predictable, but with family drama you never know what’s going to happen. Writing it brings me joy, however it is …

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The cast of characters for my upcoming historical mystery novel, By Broken Birch Bay, revolves around two sisters, Honey and Petra. Besides writing in the sisters’ perspectives, I also write in the perpetrator’s perspective. The person who commits the crime remained faceless and anonymous for me until the very end. Look over the images below …

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I promised to share a little bit about one of my main characters, Honey, in my upcoming historical mystery, By Broken Birch Bay. Honey is tall, blonde, mild mannered and almost the exact opposite of her sister, Petra. The sisters had grown up close, but when Petra had moved away, a part of Honey had …

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In my upcoming historical novella, Violets Vow, I use the language of flowers as a main part of the plot.

I’d like to welcome Christian mystery author, KC Hart to my blog today. KC and I connected on Facebook this year, and it has been my pleasure to get to know this sweet Southern gal. I’ve read the first two books in her series and enjoyed them both so much!

I recently finished The Green Dress and thought I’d share my review with you. Busy with writing and writerly tasks, I don’t have as much time to read as I would like, but I squeeze it in here and there, usually at night.

Sometimes writing presents more of a challenge than at other times. I’ve not found writer’s block an issue, but at times a project tires me.