Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

I am so happy to tell you that my last and final book, By Broken Birch Bay, in the Sheltering Trees series has released today! I set out to write a mystery with this book, but it’s not your typical mystery, with a murder at the beginning and a person who investigates the crime to …

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I dug through my upcoming release, By Broken Birch Bay, and thought you might enjoy reading the pre-Thanksgiving scene. It comes about mid-way through the story. Many years ago, I used to work in a local, hometown café as a short-order cook. It was actually my first real job. I have some good memories from …

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I promised to share a little bit about one of my main characters, Honey, in my upcoming historical mystery, By Broken Birch Bay. Honey is tall, blonde, mild mannered and almost the exact opposite of her sister, Petra. The sisters had grown up close, but when Petra had moved away, a part of Honey had …

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It’s cover reveal day for my last novel in my sheltering trees series, By Broken Birch Bay. I have always wanted to write a mystery and at the heart that’s what this novel is, but it didn’t quite come out like a regular mystery would have. Even I was kept in the dark as to …

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I’m super happy to show off this lovely lady, ON BUR OAK RIDGE, the third book in my SHELTERING TREES SERIES. Molly, one of the main characters is set against the backdrop of the view from the top of the ridge on the farm my husband and I live on.

The cover reveal and pre-order link is coming on June 1st for my next full-length novel and the third in the Sheltering Trees series: On Bur Oak Ridge. This is a sneak-peek. I also thought I’d offer an excerpt from the book today. 

Today, I thought I’d give you a larger taste of Under the Weeping Willow. This is chapter five, where Enid, along with her son’s help, works on packing up her mother’s belongings in the family home where Enid grew up. It’s a bittersweet task and one laden with a good helping of guilt…

Happy middle of the week. 🙂 I have a few fun things to share pertaining to Under the Weeping Willow, my upcoming novel.

My first inspiration and challenge for writing Under the Weeping Willow sprung from a question: what would it be like, as a daughter, to have a strained relationship with my mother? And what would be the driving force behind it?

Do you ever wonder where authors come up with book titles or the name of series? Let me tell you how the series title, Sheltering Trees, came to me.