Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

It’s “To Quote Tuesday.” I made this card up to go with a collection of note cards I’ll be giving away in my Facebook group, Journeying with Jenny, when On Bur Oak Ridge releases on July 29th.

I recently read this new release by historical fiction author and friend, Kelsey Gietl. Unsettled Shores is the second book in her Hope or High Waters – War Across Waters series.

Today as a part of The Coffeepot Bookclub, I am happy to feature Ropewalk: Rebellion. Love. Survival.

Today, I am very happy to feature New York Times Bestselling author, Lauren Willig. I read the three books pictured above and enjoyed them immensely.

For those of you who don’t know me well, I thought I would introduce myself and tell you a bit about me.