Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

Today, I started the day crying—tired of the same old pain. After wiping my eyes, I felt a poem bursting to come out. I have found that writing poems are healing and a constructive way to express feelings and unburden my soul. Here’s what came out.

It’s been a while since I sat down and let a poem come to me, so last night I focused on what gaining contentment looks like to me. Here is the product of my effort…

Tomorrow I am podcasting about my imagination process when I write, so I wanted to link a similar theme here on my blog. My interview with Sarah Letourneau in my post last week inspired me to write a poem about imagination and crafting characters for a story . . .

What does it mean when a poet’s craft is part of their spiritual practice? In most cases, it’s not just about describing our observations or ideas in an artful way. It’s also about more than being moved by what inspires us. In other words, it has nothing to do with craft, talent, or motivation¾in fact, it transcends all that.