Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

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Family and forgiveness go together. Or not. When writing my second novel, Blue Moon, I dwelled on what it would be like to forgive a family member for stealing. Not just any common theft of personal property but something deeper—a child and an identity. 

I can attest to hurts which can arise in a family. Some acts and words seem unforgivable but family is family. I think it is easier to forgive family for causing hurt than a friend. To me family is everything. 

As I thought about difficult family dynamics to overcome, the tale of identical twin sisters, Vanessa and Valerie, came out on the screen. Forgiveness transcribed itself on the page as the color blue. Interspersed with their drama, romance, and various crisis, their tale grew from something rare, as rare as a blue moon . . . 

To read more about Vanessa and Valerie’s tale, find the back cover synopsis here.

Watch a brief intro video about Blue Moon on my home page.

Purchase Blue Moon here. 

Thanks for reading!

Blessings, J

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