Jenny Knipfer–Author

Writing to inspire, encourage, and enjoy

On Thursdays on social media, I’ve been sharing a quote from my newly released inspirational historical fiction novel, In a Grove of Maples. Today, I thought I’d give my blog followers a glimpse into my Thursday excerpts. This excerpt comes from chapter eight. I open the chapter with this literary quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning: “I love thee with a love I seemed to lose.” It sums up the chapter well. 

In all honesty when writing Beryl and Edward’s story, I wanted to knock their heads together and say, “Grow up!” They misunderstand each other and simply can’t see life from the other’s perspective, but this can happen to newlyweds or at the beginning of a romantic relationship. I wanted to explore how that would look in this novel, and so far, most readers have commented how I’ve hit the newlywed nail on the head and said they can relate to Beryl or Edward. That makes my heart happy. As an author, it’s important to create relatable characters, dealing with real life issues readers can comprehend. 

Here’s an excerpt, based on the quote in the graphic…

Beryl walked toward home, stepping through the harvested rows of corn to get to the end. The rustle of dry stalks faded as she neared the cabin.

 An image of their future home sprouted again in her mind. Beryl made her way over to the trees which held her dream. One maple at the center of the arc dominated the others, like a teacher among students. Beryl lowered herself to sit in the pile of fallen leaves at its base. A musty, earthy smell met her nose as she sat. It was the smell of death and life together. A sudden twinge and a kick from the babe inside her made her rub the side of her misshapen belly. 

How will I manage by myself? Who will attend me when I give birth? 

Beryl feared being alone. She knew she needed to love Edward as best as she could, but ever since she had found out about him going up north for work, a fear had grown in her. She couldn’t rise above it. 

She picked up a handful of leaves. Some crumbled with her touch; others were pliable. In Beryl’s mind, the sensation became a manifestation of what the future might hold.

Will our separation cause us to die and crumble, or will Edward and I retain life in our marriage, keeping love alive?

Deep down, Beryl knew love to be a choice, but she didn’t know if she could love and be afraid at the same time. The fear made her angry at Edward—angry for leading her here to Wisconsin and then abandoning her to fend for herself. 

She leaned her head back against the sturdy trunk and listened to the wind and the distant honk of migrating geese. She stayed that way for some moments and relaxed. Beryl had almost nodded off when the rustle of leaves and the bark of a dog forced her eyes open…

An Excerpt Gallery

Thanks for reading! 

Have you ever read a novel that centers on a newlywed couple and their relationship issues? If so, tell me about it.

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