Site icon Jenny Knipfer–Author

Introducing: Harvest Moon

I am excited to announce that I have decided to go ahead and publish my fourth and last novel in my By the Light of the Moon series, Harvest Moon, which will be released on November 23rd, 2020. Harvest Moon is fourth in the series but acts as a prequel to my first book, Ruby Moon, since events in the Harvest Moon take place prior to Ruby Moon.

I have a cover reveal and giveaway coming up on September 10th, 2020. If you share my post on social media on the 10th, I will add your name to a pool of names, from which I’ll choose several winners at random to receive a copy of Harvest Moon after it’s published. All my social media links are on the sidebar of my website or at the bottom, if viewed on a phone. Please connect with me, follow, and share my cover reveal post to take part in the giveaway.

Harvest Moon Back Cover Description:

A tale of finding grace and blessing amongst life’s hardships

In the wilds of 19th century Ontario, Maang-ikwe, a young Ojibwe woman, falls into a forbidden love, breaks her father’s honor, and surrenders her trust to someone who betrays it. The abuse she suffers divides her from her tribe and causes her to give up what she holds most dear. 

Niin-mawin must come to grips with his culture being ripped away from him. Brought up in a “white man’s” school, he suffers through an enforced “civilized” education and separation from his family. When a man he respects reveals a secret about Niin-mawin’s past, he embarks on a search for the person he hopes can mend the part of his heart that’s always been missing. 

Both Maang-ikwe and Niin-mawin wonder how a harvest of pain and sorrow will impact their lives. Will they find the blessings amongst the hardships, or will they allow the results of division and abuse to taint their hearts forever?

Fans of historical fiction, Native American fiction, Christian historical fiction, clean romance, and literary fiction will be moved by this deep, heartfelt novel. 

Coming up:

I finished The Queen’s Devil, by Paul Walker last week but will wait to post a review, because I am participating in book tour for that title, through The Coffee Pot Book Club. Look for my post coming up on Sept. 16th.

Right now I am reading a WWII novel, The Butterfly and the Violin, by Kristy Cambron and am enjoying it very much. Look for my book review next week. Doesn’t it have a beautiful cover?

What are you reading right now? I’d love to know.

Happy Reading! J

*This post contains affiliated and purchase links for the ease of my readers.

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