Site icon Jenny Knipfer–Author

All the Light We Cannot See

I have had All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr on my “to be read” book shelf for almost a year. I finally finished this one up last month and enjoyed it.



Young, blind Marie-Laure learns to function without her father when he is arrested for hiding a precious blue diamond that the Nazi’s seek. She and her recluse of an uncle become embroiled in the sending of secret missives into the night. 

Orphaned pre-teen Werner Pfenning grows up fast when his technical skills are put to use by the Third Reich. Surviving his training, he’s hunting those in France who are engaged in the resistance.

Beautifully written with an old-fashioned storytelling feel, All the Light We Cannot See left me immersed in the setting and time. 

I appreciated the perspective of Marie and don’t think I’ve ever read a novel written partly from a blind person’s point of view. Drawn to description, I found theses parts of the story come alive with other senses we miss some times in literature. 

The ending left me wanting more. I can’t reveal to much or I’ll spoil it for you, but one of the character’s stories did not end with satisfaction for me. 

NOTE: For those sensitive to violence or course language, readers will find some instances of this within the story.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it?

What was the last historical fiction book you read?


As always, thank you for reading my Wednesday book blog posts. May you have a good book, a comfy chair, and a warm drink in hand. 🙂

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